For the time being, FHW will be using this space to amplify the voices 

of educators on the humanitarian crisis in Palestine.

 We hope to empower folks to get involved in any way that is accessible to them.

 For that time, this site may contain copyrighted material, which has been determined to be "fair use" as referenced and provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

Since October 2023, Israel has killed over 42,000 Palestinians in Gaza, including more than 15,000 children, using American tax dollars.

حرية لفلسطين 


Without context words and actions have no meaning at all

Gregory Bateson

Gaza Fights For Freedom

Abby Martin


"This debut feature film by journalist Abby Martin began while reporting in Palestine, where she was denied entry into Gaza by the Israeli government on the accusation she was a “propagandist.” So Abby connected with a team of journalists in Gaza to produce the film through the blockaded border. It is a documentary about the historic Great March Of Return protests, which occurred every week from March 2018 until December 2019, but covers so much more. It tells the story of Gaza past and present, showing rare archival footage that explains the history never acknowledged by mass media. You hear from victims of the ongoing massacre, including journalists, medics and the family of internationally-acclaimed paramedic, Razan al-Najjar. At its core, ‘Gaza Fights For Freedom’ is a thorough indictment of the Israeli military for war crimes with exclusive documentary evidence and a stunning cinematic portrayal of Palestinians' heroic resistance. "


Creation & Catastophy 

Andy Trimlett, Ahlam Muhtaseb


"Through riveting and moving personal recollections of both Palestinians and Israelis, 1948: Creation & Catastrophe reveals the shocking events of the most pivotal year in the most controversial conflict in the world. It tells the story of the establishment of Israel as seen through the eyes of the people who lived it. But rather than being a history lesson, this documentary is a primer for the present. It is simply not possible to make sense of what is happening today without an understanding of 1948. This documentary was the last chance for many of its Israeli and Palestinian characters to narrate their first-hand accounts of the creation of a state and the expulsion of a nation. Hear stories from the Israelis and Palestinians who personally lived through events in Haifa, Jaffa, Dayr Yasin, Acre, Jerusalem, Ramla, Lydda and more. These shocking and dramatic events reveal the core of what drives the conflict today."


Noura Erakat
Justice for Some 

Rashid Khalidi

The Hundred Years' War on Palestine 

Palestinian Identity 

Muhammad Muslih
The Origins of Palestinian Nationalism 

Nur Masalha

Palestine: a Four Thousand-Year History

The Palestine Nakba

Ilan Pappé

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine 

Ten Myths About Israel 

Edward Said
The Question of Palestine 

Nadia Abu-Zahra and Adah Kay
Unfree in Palestine 


War on Gaza impact on Palestinian women and children.

Virtual event, organized by the United Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) on the margin of the annual meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) aims to support the rights of Palestinian women and provide a platform to inform about their situation under occupation.  By organizing this event, the Committee intends to discuss the impact of the war in Gaza on Palestinian women and children in particular. 

Conquer and Divide: Interactive Map of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict History 

The Daily Show

"Let’s Talk About the Israel-Palestine Conflict"

May 11, 2021

Trevor Noah highlights nuance and objectively questions the power differential between Israel & Palestine. 

(9 min)

"If you were in a fight where the other person can not beat you, how hard should you retaliate when they try to hurt you?"

PBS Frontline 

"Netanyahu, America & the Road to War in Gaza"

December 19, 2023

PBS documentary chronologizes major conflicts leading up to the Hamas'  Oct. 2023 attack on Israel and critically examines Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's political decisions during these events.

 (90 min)

"May, 2021. In Jerusalem, violent protests erupted over the potential evictions of Palestinians from their homes. The conflict escalated when Israeli police raided the Al Aqsa mosque, one of Islam's holiest sites. From Gaza, Hamas retaliated firing rockets toward Jerusalem."


"The US-Israel relationship explained | Start Here"

December 3, 2023

Sandra Gathmann explores the creation of a Zionist Nation and the history of the strategic partnership between the USA and Israel, answering how it was established during the Cold War, how the US benefits from it, and what is at stake as the partnership is questioned today. 

(12 min)

"Israel declared itself a state in 1948 on land that had previously been Palestine under British control. More than 700,000 Palestinians fled or were forced from their homes and the US was the first country to recognize Israel..."

The Wall Street Journal

"Why Does the U.S. Support and Fund Israel So Much?"

Feb 1, 2024

Wall Street Journal outlines the United States' role as the leading contributor of financial aid to Israel and Congressional demands for transparency or thwarting assistance altogether.  

(9 min)

"What is going on in Israel right now is being done significantly with US military aid. So the 2,000-pound bombs which have the capability of wiping out entire neighborhoods,

 those are American bombs." -Sen. Bernie Sanders

"For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others."

Nelson Mandella


BDS is a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity. 

A barcode starting with 729 often indicates a product of Israel. Be sure to look for a “Product of Israel” label or confirm with retailer.

Hewlett Packard (HP) the absolute worst information technology company to ever IT helps run the biometric ID system that Israel uses to restrict Palestinian movement.

Puma sponsors the Israel Football Association, which includes teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

Sabra hummus is a joint venture between PepsiCo and the Strauss Group, an Israeli food company that provides financial support to the Israeli army.

Siemens is complicit in apartheid Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise through its planned construction of the EuroAsia Interconnector. This will link Israel’s electricity grid with Europe’s, allowing illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian land to benefit from Israel-EU trade of electricity produced from fossil gas. #StopFuelingIsraeliApartheid

SodaStream International Ltd. is an Israel-based maker of home carbonation products

Wix is an Israeli software company, publicly listed in the US, provides cloud-based website creation services

Fiverr is an Israeli multinational online freelance marketplace

Israeli Companies with US headquarters 

Israeli Companies on the US Stock Market 

Duns 100 Leading Companies

AXA invest in Israeli banks and provide  insurance policies

Check Point Software Technologies, a cybersecurity company

CyberArk, a cybersecurity company

Mobileye, a self-driving car technology company 

Palo Alto Networks, a cybersecurity company

SodaStream is actively complicit in Israel's policy of displacing indigenous Bedouin-Palestinian Israeli citizens including mistreatment of and discrimination against Palestinian workers.  

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, a pharmaceutical company

Sheba Medical Center, a medical center  

Medtronic, a medical device company.


organizations that have been on the ground working for years



If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. 

If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. 

If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.  

Sun Tzu


The overarching themes of war between Palestine and Israel are vast and long-lived. Hamas refuses to surrender or agree on territorial division. They use civilians as shields to resist Israeli tactics - starvation or bombing. Israel's decades-past targeted operations against Hamas leaders have been ineffective. Only by deploying a large number of Israeli soldiers to control and search Gaza can civilian casualties decline. The situation stems from Israel's 2005 Gaza withdrawal, leading to Palestinian elections favoring Hamas, which continues the armed struggle using civilians. Accepting this grim reality, adjustments must be made to cope effectively. 

This statement has no answer, nor is there a single ounce of absolution. There is only trust that all who read these words commit their due diligence to comprehend the situation. Perhaps from understanding, there is hope and the opportunity for assuagement. 

The laws concerning prisoners of war apply exclusively to armed conflicts between states and specifically address individuals captured by the forces of the opposing state. 

It is important to emphasize that Hamas and other terrorist organizations, not being the official military forces of a state, fall outside the scope of these laws. 

Regardless of the classification of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, it is crucial to understand that holding both civilian and soldier hostages is a clear violation of the laws of war and constitutes a war crime.

"The ICRC is an impartial, neutral, and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance. "

And as always, 


If you or someone you know is struggling with emotional responses to global conflict such as rage, anxiety, fear, hopelessness, etc., or are having trouble reconciling intergenerational, historical, or racial trauma --- you are not alone and there are resources available to help.

"How to talk with family and friends about the situation in Israel and Palestine" 

Mental Health Awareness on Global Conflict  

How can I be ok when the world is terrible? 

Mental Health Self-Tests 

988 Lifeline Chat and Text connects you with caring crisis counselors for emotional support.

To chat with a crisis counselor online 24/7/365, please fill out the form here.

To text with a crisis counselor, send a text to 988 on your phone.

For Veterans and Service Members: Chat with the Veterans Crisis Line

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